My trusty RockShox Recon Silver had one broken bushing as shown in my previous post. I believed that the bushings could not be changed as 2011 Recon (Silver) manual says so, but then I heard that they could be replaced and looked into 2013 manual which did not contain the info, that lower legs should be replaced after bushing wear.
I then tried to reason between running it with the broken bushing until it breaks, taking it to local shop for bushing replacement or buying new bushing and trying to fix it by myself.
The little engineer/mechanic in me took over and soon I was googling how the bushing could be replaced. I finally found a post on forums that had some good stuff written by username bad mechanic . So IĀ ordered new 32mm bushings and started gathering materials for the tools.
M12 washer seemed to be properly oversized to make the extractor tool.
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